Habitation / Urban Acupunctural Strips [2013]
/// A proposal for socially and functioanlly mixed habitat which takes benefit of unused containers approaching to the port and transported to inner city via trains
Brief: Transformation of an old rail line used formerly by suburbanites and used for container transportation from coast to inner city
Location: Istanbul / Turkey
Sort: Teamwork with Erenalp Büyüktopcu / Istanbul Technical University, Architecture Department (BA)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Arzu Erdem, Assis. Prof. Dr. Nizam Onur Sönmez

#reuseofrailroad #recyclingofcontainer #antigentrification #socialcondensor
The project site Erenköy which is formerly one of summer resort areas of Istanbul is currently residential area of high income families with similar social-cultural backgrounds. There is a long rail line passing by the project site which is connected on one side to the main train terminal and port of Anatolian side of Istanbul (Haydarpaşa) and on the other side it is connected to Gebze which is industry region of Istanbul. This train line would be not only used by labors commuting on daily basis to factories but also used to transport goods from port to inner spots of the city. In the time of proposal, the line was out of use for a while due to allegedly high-speed rail line construction. However, rumours back then had that whole rail line with its heritage station buildings will be commercialised and transformed to hotels as well as trade zones to gain enormous profits. On the contrary, the project proposes a socially and functionally mixed habitat by taking benefit of unused containers approaching to the port and transported to inner city by trains.